This is How Much Money Famous Fountains Make From All the Coins Tossed Into Them

There's something about a fountain that just makes us want to empty out the loose change from our wallets and pockets.

While it may seem like it's just a nickel here and a dime there, it all adds up. Big time. Because, as it turns out, tossing our coinage into these fountains is a pretty lucrative business.

But don't worry, the authorities at these landmarks aren't keeping it all to themselves – for the most part the money collected goes to charitable causes that help make real life wishes come true.

So don't be deterred by the amounts, rather, keep on throwing so those in need can benefit from your wish.

Trevi Fountain
The Trevi fountain (arguably the most famous fountain in the world) may be tucked away on a side street in Rome but it still collects up to $4,200 (CAD) in a single day (that's over $1.5 million a year). In fact, it's so profitable there are regular attempts to steal money from the fountain. The money is collected by Roman Catholic charity Caritas and has gone toward opening a low-cost supermarket, as well as being distributed to the needy.

Trevi Fountain

Centennial Flame Fountain
Toonie and Loonies are thrown into this fountain outside Parliament in Ottawa everyday. Although people are much more willing to flash the cash in the summer, it's regularly emptied by Public Works employees year round, who harvest as much as $6,000 (CAD) every twelve months – or $15 a day.

Centennial Flame Fountain

The Bellaggio Lake
Thousands of tourists gather to watch the music and light shows at the Fountains of Bellagio on the Las Vegas Strip every day, and many of them flip a coin into the lake while doing so. In 2011 Bellagio donated more than $12,000 (USD) from coins taken from the lake, most of which were given to Habitat for Humanity.


Disney World
Not content with exploring the Magic Kingdom and hanging out with Mickey Mouse and the gang, visitors to Disney World in Florida also found time to throw $18,000 (USD) into the fountains, wells and attractions at the park. After scooping up all the loose change, the money was donated to Community Based Care – an organization that provides foster care, adoption and mentoring.

disney world

Mall of America
This shopping mall in Minnesota receives over 40 million visitors annually. So it's no wonder that the fountains there collect a fair bit of dough in the course of a year. Each month the fountain brings in, on average, $2,000, which is then collected and donated to a different non-profit. Non-profits can apply for donations for the following year.

9/11 Memorial Fountain
Some rules were made to be broken. Despite regulations stating that money should not be thrown into the memorial, a super precise $2,735 (USD) was retrieved from the reflecting pools at the fountains in 2014. Despite cashing in, spokesman Michael Frazier said, "We ask visitors not to throw anything into the pools." So now you know.
